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Projects worth $1.1 billion to break ground in Qidong in Q1


Updated: 2022-02-23


Twelve projects costing a total of 7 billion yuan are set to start construction in the Qidong Economic Development Zone in the first quarter of 2022, in the wake of a groundbreaking ceremony held there on Feb 22. [Photo/WeChat account: qdrmt0513]

A ceremony for a raft of major projects breaking ground in the Qidong Economic Development Zone in the first quarter of the current year was held on Feb 22 in the zone – located in the county-level city of Qidong, administered by Nantong, in East China's Jiangsu province.

The dozen of industrial projects, receiving 7 billion yuan ($1.1 billion) in investment, include an energy storage battery manufacturing project being funded by owner and operator Linyang Energy to the tune of 2 billion yuan.

The projects are expected to help boost the economic development of the Qidong Economic Development Zone.

The current year is regarded as a key period for expanding investments in the zone. In the process of attracting more ventures to locate there, the leaders of its different departments have taken direct responsibility for the corresponding projects – in a bid to resolve any conflicts and problems and to coordinate things in a timely fashion.

Meanwhile, projects scheduled to break ground in the second and third quarters of the year are currently under preparation. The number of new projects to start construction this year is expected to reach 30.