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Prince Kung's Palace offers online cultural experience for Hebei children

Updated: May 18, 2022

Prince Kung's Palace Museum of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism held an online class on May 18 for children at the Jijia Village Township Central School, Xindu district, Xingtai city, Hebei province.


The class was a public cultural education activity for children in mountainous areas, in response to this year's theme of International Museum Day - The Power of Museums.

In the live class, the architecture of Prince Kung's Palace was compared with the northern residential quadrangle courtyards, their similarities and differences explained, and the uniqueness of the garden in the mansion highlighted.


Chen Xiaowen, deputy director of Prince Kung's Palace Museum, said as a national first-class museum in the capital, the museum shoulders an important public education responsibility, and strives to expand its visitors to children in mountainous areas, allowing them to enjoy a rich cultural experience through an online live class under COVID-19 conditions.


Li Qiu, vice-principal of Jijia Village Township Central School, expressed a warm appreciation of the event and said the class gave children in mountainous areas a chance to learn about Prince Kung's Palace Museum, which was a rare knowledge-seeking experience for them.

As part of the event, the museum also mailed handmade material packs, activity certificates, and books to the children, hoping to arouse their further interest in the museum.

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