Dragon Boat Festival contributes to Chenggong’s 6.4% visitors increase

km.gov.cn|Updated: June 13, 2024


During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Chenggong district, Kunming, welcomed a total of 311,400 visitors, marking a year-on-year increase of 6.4 percent, according to the Chenggong District Culture and Tourism Bureau.

The total tourism revenue reached 249.74 million yuan($34.43 million), a year-on-year increase of 7 percent. The most popular attraction was the Dounan Flower Market, which received 170,000 visitors.


Other popular tourist destinations in the area included Colorful Yunnan Paradise, Dounan Wetland Park, Guoyi Flower Valley, and Wolong Ancient Fishing Village.

Chenggong organized a series of cultural and tourism activities for the Dragon Boat Festival. Among these, the flower guide service at the Dounan Flower Market was particularly popular with visitors.


The Third Liu Jiaying Dragon Boat Mountain Song Festival, held at the Chenggong Songmao Sports Training Base, featured dragon boat races, intangible cultural heritage displays, and park tours. These events helped citizens and tourists to enjoy the charm of traditional culture.