Presidents from universities of China and India meet in Kunming|Updated: November 10, 2023


Round-table Conference for Presidents from Universities of China and India was held on Nov 9 at Yunnan Minzu University.

 This roundtable conference was supported by the Chinese Embassy in India, guided by the International Cooperation and Exchange Department of the Ministry of Education of China, and organized by the China Education Association for International Exchange.

Leaders from 12 universities in China and India, including Mangalayatan University, Vellore Institute of Technology, Yunnan Minzu University, and Yunnan Agricultural University, gathered to engage in in-depth discussions and exchanges on Sino-Indian higher education cooperation.

Zhang Qiaogui, the president of Yunnan Minzu University, said in a keynote speech that Yunnan and India share geographical proximity and cultural affinity, establishing a solid foundation for cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, tourism, and cultural exchange. Education, he emphasized, serves as a vital and enduring component in enhancing mutual understanding and cultural identity within the context of cultural exchanges.

President Zhang highlighted that the conference will become another exemplary case of successful cultural exchange between universities in Yunnan province and those in India. He believes that it will significantly contribute to the deepening and development of educational cooperation between Yunnan and India, as well as other countries in South Asia.


Sri Rama Patsalapati, the president of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, delivered a presentation focused on the Luban Workshops in India, providing a detailed overview of exemplary cases of higher education cooperation between India and China.

He emphasized that India and China share a strong foundation for collaboration, being neighboring countries with a long history of friendly civilizations. According to him, the cooperation in higher education between India and China represents a sharing of Eastern wisdom with the world.

During the open discussion, the participating leaders engaged in exchanges on various topics related to Sino-Indian cooperation. The discussions revolved around themes such as agriculture, vocational education, mutual exchange of students, promotion of tai chi and yoga, and the development of science and engineering disciplines.