Kunming sees ‘significant growth’ by 2025

km.gov.cn|Updated: November 30, 2022

Kunming expects its industrial scale to grow significantly by 2025 with total output value of companies over designated size to top one trillion yuan ($139.94 billion). This was announced in a municipal industrial plan released by the local government.  

The added value of industries will account for 30 percent of local GDP as emerging industries rise in proportion.

Innovation will play an increasingly important role in driving growth with more companies increasing their R&D spending. Innovative industrials clusters will be fostered in domains such as advanced equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, new materials and other enterprises.

In terms of creating new engines for emerging industries, electronic information manufacturing industry envisions a total output value of 130 billion yuan, and the biomedical industry 110 billion yuan by 2025. New wearable health smart devices will be manufactured.

In terms of new materials industry, the city mainly focuses on four fields: non-ferrous metal materials, rare metal materials, electronic materials, chemical industry and new energy battery materials. To promote the sector, leading enterprises   and large-scale industrial bases will be built. By 2025, the industry aims to top 120 billion yuan in output value.