Kunming to start 196 projects worth 80 billion yuan in Q4

km.gov.cn|Updated: October 8, 2022


In the fourth quarter of this year, Kunming, capital of Southwest China's Yunnan province, plans to start 196 new industrial projects with investment totaling 80.91 billion yuan ($11.37 billion) and an annual investment plan of 13.36 billion yuan.

The city’s hefty investment plan tops the province in the number of projects, total investment and annual investment plan.

Among them, there are 74 industrial projects, 24 energy industrial projects, 69 agricultural projects, 14 digital economy projects, and 15 cultural tourism projects.

One highlight is the China-Laos Mohan-Boten Economic Zone, which will commence 13 projects with a total investment of 38.23 billion yuan, and will complete an investment of 1.69 billion yuan within the year.