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Xinghua city moves to solve labor shortages

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 19, 2023

The Xinghua Human Resources and Social Security Bureau – located in Xinghua city in East China's Jiangsu province – is moving to help its businesses solve their labor shortage problems.

Using questionnaires and through on-site visits, the bureau carried out a survey of labor shortages and unemployment problems after the Spring Festival.

On Feb 9, the bureau organized for over 50 local enterprises – including Taizhou Anjoy Food Co Ltd, Jiangsu Xingda Steel Tyre Cord Co Ltd and Jiangsu Xinghua Alloy Co Ltd – to attend a trans-provincial labor service jobs fair in Zunyi city in southwest Guizhou province.

It also jointly held two sessions of employment skills training activities with a local vocational training school. After they successful completed the program, the trainees were directly recommended to enterprises to start working.

Furthermore, the bureau also applied for special funds from the city government and rented buses to pick up migrant workers, in a bid to promote the return to work.

Two large-scale recruitment fairs were also held in Xinghua, attracting the participation of nearly 300 enterprises that offered some 10,000 positions. Statistics showed that over 15,000 people participated and over 3,200 people received preliminary employment offers.

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Job seekers throng to the jobs fair in Xinghua on Feb 4. [Photo/WeChat account: xinghuafabu]

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