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Xinghua EDZ conference focuses on development

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 15, 2023


An exterior view of the Xinghua Economic Development Zone. [Photo/WeChat account: jsxhkfq]

A conference on development, the first such meeting after the recent Spring Festival, was held recently in the Xinghua Economic Development Zone – located in Xinghua, a county-level city administered by Taizhou – in East China's Jiangsu province.

This year, the zone aims to rank first among the B-class industrial parks in Taizhou. The value of total production is projected to increase by 7.5 percent year-on-year and the general public budget revenue is expected to increase by 16 percent.

The zone aims to attract 40 projects costing over 100 million yuan ($14.67 million) each and to achieve industrial invoiced sales of 25 billion yuan.

To reach the goal, it will hold industrial development conferences, forums and overseas investment marketing activities.

In addition, it will keep track of project approvals, construction, operations and efficiency – to promote the speed of projects and accelerate the commercialization of product developments.

In the health foods sector, the zone will focus on compound condiments, pre-prepared dishes, food for special dietary uses and other fields, moving to make a contribution to Taizhou's big health industry.

In terms of new materials, new energy and the new generation of electronics information technology, the zone is pushing to attract high-growth and high-quality projects, to cultivate its emerging industries.

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