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Experts provide technical consultations in Taizhou port EDZ

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: March 22, 2024

A team of experts from prestigious universities, including Chongqing University and Changsha University of Science and Technology, visited the Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone on March 16.

The zone is located in the Taizhou Medical High Tech Zone, which is in turn situated in Taizhou city in East China's Jiangsu province.

The purpose of their visit was to provide technical consultations to local enterprises, aiming to inject fresh ideas and technologies into the region's industries.

During their visit, the experts toured companies including Taizhou Yourun Electronic Technology Co Ltd and Taizhou Zhehua Machinery Precision Forging Co Ltd.


Experts from leading universities closely examine production facilities and advise the technical teams of the companies. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_1ff53eb21f0a]

Their objective was to diagnose technical challenges, offer personalized guidance and suggest improvements to enhance innovation and productivity.

The consultations focused on identifying the root causes of innovation barriers and providing tailored solutions to enhance research and development processes. Furthermore, the experts emphasized the importance of fostering a culture of innovation, strengthening core competencies and promoting sustainable development practices within the zone.

Moving forwards, plans are for the Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone to deepen the collaboration between local enterprises and academic institutions. The initiative aims to facilitate joint research projects, technology transfers and personnel recruitment to support the innovative growth of businesses in the region.

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