Taizhou city – located in East China's Jiangsu province – recently started the 15th round of applications for funds under the Fengcheng Talent Plan special biopharmaceuticals recruitment project.
The aim is to recruit more top-flight talent for biopharma innovation and entrepreneurship to the area. Applicants or teams who meet the qualifications can apply for the funding.
In focus are two types of projects – leading talent team projects and the high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent projects.
The leading talent team projects include leading entrepreneurial talent teams and leading innovative talent teams.
The high-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent projects, on the other hand, involve high-level entrepreneurial talent, high-level innovative talent (full-time) and high-level innovative talent (flexible).
In terms of fund support, the leading talent team will be granted funding of 5 million to 20 million yuan ($686,150 to $2.74 million). High-level innovation and entrepreneurship talent will receive a subsidy of 1-3 million yuan (flexible innovation of 500,000 to 1 million yuan).
High-level talent for biopharmaceutical innovation and entrepreneurship can also enjoy a package of services such as children's education, housing security, medical examinations and financial loans.
The deadline for applying is Nov 3.