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Shengsi Taike Auto Parts Co makes breakthrough progress

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: September 7, 2023

Manufacturer Taizhou Shengsi Taike Auto Parts Co Ltd – located in the Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone in Taizhou city, in East China's Jiangsu province – has overcome technical challenges in automotive sensors to reap the financial benefits.

The company specializes in the research, development, production and sales of auto sensors – boasting advanced production equipment and strong technical strength.

The production of auto sensors requires extremely high accuracy as the equipment is seen as the nerve endings of automobiles, which perceive and transmit information such as temperature, humidity and pressure.

With the emerging of new energy and smart cars, the company decided on a technical restructuring to gain a competitive edge – appointing Zeng Tixian, a professor from the China Academy of Engineering Physics, as its R&D director in 2022.

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Zeng Tixian (right) is leading the way as the research and development director of Taizhou Shengsi Taike Auto Parts Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_1ff53eb21f0a]

Under his leadership, the R&D team succeeded in developing a new high-precision capacitive touch sensor, leading the market in its kind.

The team has optimized the previous capacitive touch sensing systems from many key technologies, including information collection strategy, circuit structures, signal-to-noise ratios and response speeds.

"Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared," Zeng said.

In his view, capacitive touch sensing systems are the inevitable trend for future development, so he will adhere to the front line of R&D and promote technological progress through tech innovation.

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