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Taizhou Port EDZ speeds up project construction for growth

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: March 31, 2023

A group of investment projects in Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone of Taizhou, East China's Jiangsu province, have sped up their construction pace recently.

Toko Food (Jiangsu) Co Ltd, which has already opened a factory in the zone spanning 58 mu (3.87 hectares), will invest an additional 804 million yuan ($117.19 million) to build 222 mu of facilities in the project's second phase. About 360 million packaged soup, as well as 1,600 metric tons of frozen and dried food will be produced annually upon its completion.

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A design sketch of the second phase of Toko Food (Jiangsu) Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_1ff53eb21f0a]

However, the project met challenges at the beginning of preparatory stage, such as backfill of the river and changes on design. In response, the zone set up a team to help the company overcome these difficulties, saving it about two months in time and ensuring that its groundbreaking would still be on schedule.

Currently, the construction on freeze-dry, cooking, and cold storage workshops is progressing, which is expected to be completed in May next year. Upon completion, the annual output value of the enterprise will exceed 500 million yuan, generating 50 million yuan in local tax revenue per year.

On another construction site in the zone invested in by Jiangsu Jinzhu New Material Technology Co Ltd, builders were busy working for the new materials manufacturer.

According to the project manager Li Baokang, construction started on Feb 8 and thanks to the support of the zone, he was confident that the project will be completed one month ahead of schedule.

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