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Jiangyan district conference aims to spur industrialization

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: April 3, 2024

Jiangyan district of Taizhou city – situated in East China's Jiangsu province – held a conference for advancing the new industrialization of the district on March 31.

Sun Liangliang, Party secretary of the district committee, joined Qian Jun, the deputy Party secretary and the head of the district to attend, as well as leaders of prominent businesses.


Participants listen keenly to a speech at the event. [Photo/WeChat account: jyrmzf]

At the conference, Sun highlighted the exceptional performance of industry leaders over the past year, noting the significant transformation and innovation achieved by the majority of manufactures.

For his part, Qian outlined three key requirements in the industrialization process – with the first being to generate annual average growth of over 10 percent in manufacturing and surpass a total annual output value of 100 billion yuan ($13.82 billion).

The second was to coordinate the introduction of high-tech projects with enterprise transformations and upgrading, thereby fostering investment growth.

The third requirement was to enhance work efficiency and to ensure seamless communications between government and enterprises.

The conference stressed the importance of developing new quality productive forces and revitalizing traditional industries – with a focus on achieving a low-carbon and high-quality economy.

It also aimed to boost new industrialization growth by advancing the construction of projects, accelerating transformation and upgrading and strengthening regional cooperation.

Furthermore, it called for Party members to improve on their service capabilities, for entrepreneurs to boost their innovation abilities and for various departments to elevate their professional skills – all with the aim of promoting the development of a better Jiangyan.

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