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Jiangyan district makes key moves in health industry

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: July 11, 2023

The Jiangyan district of Taizhou city – located in East China's Jiangsu province – is making key moves in the health sector.

That's after the signing ceremony for the new Collaborative Innovation Center for Functional Rice Academicians – run by Nanjing Agricultural University and the Suzhong Pharmaceutical Group – and the commercialization of research on the new W088 low-gluten rice strain took place there on July 6.

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Representatives from Nanjing Agricultural University and the Suzhong Pharmaceutical Group join hands. [Photo/WeChat ID: jyrmzf]

Wan Jianmin, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said there were gaps and lags in the country's research on low-gluten food for kidney patients.

He said low-gluten rice – which originated from Japan's Chunyang rice strain – was previously imported to China for kidney patients, but the limited supply and high price posed challenges.

After years of scientific research, Wan's team has developed the new W088 strain of low-gluten rice. It has a gluten content of less than 29 percent and improved nutritional qualities, suitable for a low-protein diet required for chronic kidney disease patients.

Wan said he hoped to work with Suzhong Pharmaceutical to further commercialize the research achievements for W088 rice, to help improve the general level of health of the Chinese people.

Sun Liangliang, deputy Party secretary of Jiangyan district, emphasized the importance of the academician collaborative innovation center in her speech and urged Suzhong Pharmaceutical to seize the opportunity and advance product innovation and upgrading.

She called on Nanjing Agricultural University and Wan's team to contribute to the integrated development of production, research and applications for the high-quality development of the health industry in Jiangyan.

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