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Jiangyan district acts to boost business

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: January 30, 2023


Jiangyan district holds a meeting on Jan 28 to consider ways to improve its business environment. [Photo provided to etaizhou.gov.cn]

The Jiangyan district of the prefecture-level city of Taizhou in East China's Jiangsu province held its first meeting of the Chinese New Year on Jan 28, focusing on boosting its business environment.

Jiangyan district has launched a comprehensive online service platform for businesses and created three innovative systems, named "problem solving first", "business environment through trains" and "business environment observer".

These are expected to deal with any difficulties encountered by resident enterprises.

For example, the "business environment through trains" system is said to build a two-way bridge between the local government and business entities.

The government will make great use of it to pick up on public opinion, provide more direct services and offer more feedback.

"Jiangyan will strive to promote the continuous optimization of the business environment in an all-round way, so that all kinds of market players can thrive here," said Fang Zhen, Party secretary of Jiangyan district.

Plans are for Jiangyan district to take action in the areas of research, publicity and supervision, in order to fully understand the real situation of resident enterprises and provide them with efficient and accurate services.

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