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Jiangyan volunteers reach out to provide care

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: January 3, 2023

Volunteers in the Jiangyan district of Taizhou city – located in East China's Jiangsu province – have donated hundreds of bottles of medicine and delivered them to residents over the past few days.

On Dec 25, a woman surnamed Yuan shared her gratitude in WeChat Moments: "Thank you to the Pioneer Charity Qintong Branch for initiating the activity of free medicine delivery."

"I would like to thank chairman Qi Xiaoming for risking being infected at any time and delivering medicine to my 80-year-old mother and 83-year-old father."

Yuan's daughter tested positive for nucleic acid on Dec 21 and her sister's family of three was also infected. Hearing that her old mother had a headache and a sore throat and it was  getting worse, Yuan became anxious but could not visit her parents.

On receiving the information, Qi Xiaoming, chairman of the Pioneer Charity Qintong Branch, immediately called to learn more about the situation and drove to the elderly to deliver medicine – also bring with him masks and other epidemic prevention materials.

The Pioneer Charity has over 3,000 young volunteers and 24 branches. After being made aware that it was not easy for some elderly people or children to take medicine, the volunteers were encouraged to deliver medicine to their doors.

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