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Hailing district eyes move into intelligent manufacturing

etaizhou.gov.cn| Updated: February 10, 2023

The development of intelligent manufacturing is increasingly being eyed by Hailing district – located in Taizhou city in East China's Jiangsu province – in the wake of the 6th Jiangsu Intelligent Manufacturing Summit Forum.

The forum was held on Feb 7 in the district, attracting the participation of over 70 experts and academics in the field of intelligent manufacturing.

The intelligent manufacturing alliance of Jiangsu was established at the conference, aiming to generate interdisciplinary technology and develop talent resources, as well as to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the intelligent manufacturing industry.

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The intelligent manufacturing alliance of Jiangsu is inaugurated at the forum. [Photo/WeChat account: weihailing0523]

Sun Qun, secretary of the Hailing district committee, said that Hailing would strive to establish a "1+2+3" modern industry system.

The term refers to a system that will have the new energy industry at its center, the auto parts and intelligent home appliance industries as pillars – with the new materials, smart-home devices and new generation of information and technology sectors as features.

Hailing district is said to be moving to become a great test area for intelligent manufacturing projects. With the support of the provincial association for science and technology, Hailing has established an ecosystem that integrates intelligent manufacturing and high-end services.

Previously, Hailing promoted the innovative integration of industry-school-research for enterprises.

Moving forwards, the alliance is expected to build a technology experts service team. This will promote the achievements of intelligent manufacturing projects and push the manufacturing industry in Hailing towards a mid-to-high development phase.

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