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Xinghua marine equipment alloy, products cluster joins list

LMS| Updated: June 27, 2024


A panoramic view of the marine equipment special alloy materials and products industry cluster in Xinghua. [Photo/WeChat ID: tzfabu]

A marine equipment special alloy materials and products industry cluster in Xinghua – a county-level city in Taizhou city, East China's Jiangsu province – was recently included in the 2024 Jiangsu provincial small and medium sized enterprises specialty industry cluster list.

The industry cluster, which has established a full supply chain, encompasses the entire process from recycling scrap raw materials to producing new materials, precision processing, product manufacturing, quality inspections, logistics and commerce.

The cluster focuses on producing a wide variety of specialized products in small batches to meet specific market needs.

By emphasizing niche markets and delivering high-demand products, the cluster has continued to advance in special alloy materials technology. Its products span over 40 series and more than 10,000 varieties, with many filling gaps in the domestic market.

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