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Taixing development zone adds three intelligent manufacturing factories

LMS| Updated: December 29, 2023

Three factories operated by companies that have settled in the Taixing Huangqiao Economic Development Zone – located in Taixing city, in East China's Jiangsu province – were recently recognized as 2023 intelligent manufacturing demonstration workshops.

They are the intelligent workshop for TG enzymes fermentation being operated by Dongsheng Biotech (Taixing) Co Ltd, the intelligent workshop for piston machining run by Jiangsu Huaxing Mechanical and Electrical Manufacture Co Ltd, as well as the high-precision automatic CNC intelligent manufacturing workshop at GKVAC Technology (Taixing) Co Ltd.

Jiangsu Huaxing Mechanical and Electrical Manufacture Co Ltd now has a total of 56 intelligent devices, all of which can achieve device networking and remote monitoring.

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The exterior of the factory run by Jiangsu Huaxing Mechanical and Electrical Manufacture Co Ltd. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_07a864197818]

The company's intelligent factory has achieved the integration of its production management system with information systems in planning, warehousing, processing and finance, among other things – making data sharing available to different departments.

With a floor space of over 10,000 square meters, the intelligent workshop in Dongsheng Biotech (Taixing) Co Ltd focuses on producing alternative imported biological fermentation enzyme preparations, with an annual output of about 10,000 metric tons.

Elsewhere, GKVAC Technology (Taixing) Co Ltd invested 40.87 million yuan ($5.76 million) in purchasing various high-end CNC machine tools and equipment.

Through intelligent management, the company's intelligent factory is said to have achieved deep integration of information systems and industrial systems.

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