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Taizhou city creates 15-min government service circle

LMS| Updated: August 15, 2023

Taizhou city in Jiangsu province has in recent years been working to establish a 15-minute government service circle to make administrative services more standardized and convenient.

The city has currently set up a government service network covering "1+6+86+1627+N". This includes the municipal government service center ("1"), three county-level city and three district service centers ("6"), 86 town and sub-district service centers ("86"), 1,627 village and community service stations ("1627"), and additional convenience services provided through bank branches ("N"). These centers and stations offer services related to medical insurance, social security, and civil affairs to local residents.

To enhance efficiency, a "comprehensive and versatile" service model has been introduced. This model combines specialized windows into a unified one-stop approach, reducing the need for people to move from different windows. In addition, self-service kiosks for government services are available around the clock in the city.

The administrative approval bureau has also created special windows to address the specific needs of businesses and residents. For example, a street-level service center in Hailing district has introduced a window for issuing scattered tax invoices to assist local businesses and individuals.

Moreover, to streamline business registration, the bureau has adopted a commitment-based system for declaring business addresses. A simplified "one license, multiple addresses" approach has been adopted. An enterprise start-up zone has been established to simplify processes such as business registration, corporate seal engraving, bank account opening, and more.

Industrial Parks
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