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Taizhou holds reading activity to celebrate Spring Festival

LMS| Updated: January 18, 2023

The launch ceremony of a national reading campaign in celebration of the Spring Festival and a music concert themed on Major Cold – the coldest time of the year, known as Dahan, one of the 24 Chinese solar terms – were held in Taizhou city, in East China's Jiangsu province on Jan 17.

The event helped popularize a WeChat mini program, called Le Xue Taizhou, to invite the public to join in the city's reading activity.

The event was also broadcast live via the mini program, with 274,000 people having watched the live broadcast by 4:30 pm.

In addition, a public welfare program was launched on the day. Taizhou's national reading office and anti-pornography and anti-illegal publications office jointly promoted must-read books for pupils and called for green reading and civilized net surfing.

Furthermore, 10 childrens' representatives received gifts including school bags, books and other school supplies.

Taizhou has held the national reading campaign in celebration of Spring Festival for years and has established a number of reading brands. Nearly 1,000 reading-themed activities held annually have won wide acclaim from the public.


Qian Cheng, director of the Taizhou research institute of history and culture, shares the origin and climate features of Major Cold, as well as Taizhou's Spring Festival customs with some foreigners. [Photo/WeChat ID: tzfabu]


Calligraphers write the Chinese character "Fu" for the public to wish for good luck. [Photo/WeChat ID: tzfabu]

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