Harmony-themed New Year’s concert takes stage at National Grand Theater

The 2024 HEHE New Year Concert and Cultural Exhibition, co-hosted by the International Confucian Association (ICA) and the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), took place at the National Grand Theater on January 9. 

Artists from the folk music orchestra of the Central Conservatory of Music performed classic Chinese and ASEAN musical pieces, while distinguished guests celebrated the New Year amidst the melodious music.

The guests visited the Spring Festival calligraphy and painting exhibition, participated in paper-cutting and calligraphy writing.

The event also showcased masterpieces of famous modern painters Qi Baishi, Li Kuchan, and contemporary painter Fan Zeng, allowing the guests to experience the beauty of traditional Chinese art.

Representatives from the embassies of the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam, and Brunei, as well as those from the Central Conservatory of Music, the National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO, Beijing Foreign Studies University, the National Grand Theater, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the ICA, media organizations and businesses attended the event.



The ICA’s Secretary-General Jia Deyong and the ACC’s Secretary-General Shi Zhongjun delivered speeches.

Jia emphasized that "harmony and coexistence" are fundamental to the Chinese nation and eastern civilization, and the concert symbolizes our commitment to promoting friendly cooperation and achieving mutual benefits.

He said that over the past 30 years, the ICA has dedicated itself to preserving Confucianism and traditional culture, defending the diversity of world civilizations, and fostering dialogue among different cultures, with the aim of contributing to the development of Chinese culture, promoting cultural exchanges, and building a shared future for humanity jointly.

Shi highlighted the collaboration between China and ASEAN countries over the years, saying that the ACC as the only intergovernmental organization established by China and the ten ASEAN countries has been dedicated to promoting friendly exchanges and practical cooperation.



The year 2024 has been designated as the "China-ASEAN Year of Cultural Exchange", and the ACC is committed to working closely with partners in various sectors to enhance cultural exchanges and mutual understanding between the people of China and ASEAN countries, Shi added.


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