2023 HEHE Civilization Forum held in Singapore discussing diversity of civilization and modernization


The 2023 HEHE Civilization Forum was held in Singapore on September 8, organized by the International Confucian Association (ICA), the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Singapore Nanyang Technological University, and the Singa-China Association. 

The forum, themed “diversity of civilization and modernization", is a significant initiative by the ICA to promote cultural exchange and mutual learning.

It is the first time the forum has been held outside of China, with Singapore as the first stop, because of the country's unique success in using eastern values to advance modernization, and Lee Kuan Yew, the founding father of Singapore, serving as honorary chairman of the ICA.

Delegates from countries including Singapore, France, the United States, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico and China engaged in discussions on the forum's theme, with nearly 1,500 participants joining forum activities both on and offline.

At the opening ceremony, ICA President Liu Yandong and Chairman Fukuda Yasuo delivered speeches. Representatives from the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, the CPAFFC, SJTU, NTU, Singa-China Association, and UNESCO spoke. The ceremony was chaired by Wang Xuedian, ICA vice president and visiting professor at Shandong University.



At the keynote forum, An Lezhe, ICA vice president and chair professor at Peking University, along with other distinguished speakers, delivered keynote speeches. The forum was chaired by Li Zhaoran, ICA vice chairman and senior professor at the National University of Singapore.


Participants said that the forum had a timely and clear theme. The concept of "harmony" originating from the east, represents peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding, and forms a significant aspect of Confucian thought. They agree that the concept is a historical heritage of eastern civilization, serving as a shared code for human civilization's progress, and the forum offers a platform for dialogue, exchange, and mutual learning among different countries and civilizations.


Experts at the forum shared that they believe that the China-proposed Global Civilization Initiative injects a strong cultural impetus into the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, providing stability and certainty in today's world. All countries should draw on the past to enlighten the present, promote the creative transformation of traditional cultures, and deepen understanding and cooperation among different civilizations for a prosperous and diverse future.




The forum also organized three thematic forums on "intersection and coexistence of diverse civilizations", "Asian civilization and the future of youth", and "traditional culture and entrepreneurial spirit". Representatives from UNESCO, universities, cultural institutions, and businesses in Singapore, the United States, and China delivered speeches.


The forum also invited the Henan Provincial Museum to present a cultural exhibition and performance themed "tea and the world, joy in harmony", showcasing ancient Chinese civilization and the rich heritage of the Central Plains region's music, and conveying the concept of harmony in diversity and the shared beauty of diverse cultures.

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