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Hechi upgrades pipe network

By Feng Lu
Updated: 2015-04-16

Hechi is upgrading the city’s drainage pipe network, with an estimated capital of 130 million yuan ($21 million), according to Hechi’s urban management bureau on April 10.

According to a person in charge of local urban management bureau, the current pipe network can’t satisfy the requirements of water draining with the rapid development of urban areas. With better pipe materials and separate pipes for sewage and rainwater, the new drainage network can enhance the city’s flood control and drainage and decrease waterlogging.

An excavator digs the pavement in Hechi, Guangxi, on April 10. [Photo by Qin Chufang/Hechi Daily]

On April 10, the second section of the project started at Nanxin East Road. Local residents show great support to the project. A Ms Wei said that every time it rains, the ground of her retail store gets wet with rainwater coming in. She feels happy that the government is now taking measures to improve the condition.

Edited by Andrew Ancheta


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