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Golden Camellia

Updated: 2014-09-05

This is known as the "Queen of the tea family" or "Panda of the plant kingdom" and Tian’e county is the home of the golden camellia, with 85,000 strains grown on 8,000 hectares. The country has the Original 18 Ecological Protection sites for the plant, the Shuanglong Waterfall Golden Camellia Garden, and Yunbang Golden Camellia Nursery, along with the Fuling Golden Camellia Development Co for the sustainable development and protection of the plant and has produced 5 tons of flowers and 50 tons of leaves per year.

The golden camellia belongs to the genus Theaceae and is an ancient, rare species, with 90 percent of the wild golden camellias in the world coming from Guangxi, for an extremely narrow growth area. The golden camellia is an evergreen shrub, 2 to 6 meters in height, with grayish-white, smooth bark. The leaves alternate and are broadly lanceolate to oblong. The flower is golden-yellow in appearance with a cup or bowl shape when blossoming and about 3 centimeters in diameter, with 9 to 11 broad petals, with a waxy luster.

It flowers from November to the following March and the fruit period is from October to December. It also has outstanding medicinal and nutritional value, is non-toxic, and contains many nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. It is rich in polyphenols, saponins, flavonoids, tea polysaccharide, tea pigment, caffeine, vitamins, amino acids and natural organic Germanium, Selenium, Molybdenum, Zinc, Vanadium, and other trace elements with a healthy effect. The current price of the flower is about 30,000 yuan per kilogram, the bud is about 20,000 yuan per kilogram and the leaves about 300 yuan per kilogram.

Major manufacturer:

Tian’e Fuling Golden Camellia Development Co.

Address: 256 Chengdong Rd, Liupai, Tian’e Country.

Person in charge: Zhu Xianzhong

Contact: Zhu Xianzhong

Tel: 138-7781-5222

Postcode: 547399

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