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Tian’e Liuhua pheasant

Updated: 2014-09-05

This bird is a ring-necked pheasant, which is domesticated and raised in Tian’e county, where it has a long history. The Liuhua pheasant is different from other ring-necked pheasants in its appearance, which is black brown with white spots when young, then colorful in the older males, with magnificent feathers and a jasper head and neck with metallic luster, but with no white ring around the neck. The adult female is black brown or puce, edged with gray and scattered tawny feathers. The bird is wild in nature, agile, and alert visually and auditorily and is easily frightened and adept at hopping. It likes a clean, bright, spacious environment, and likes to peck gravel, leaves and mud. When bred in large amounts, the male pheasant fights during the breeding season until the “king pheasant” becomes clear.

Male adults normally weigh 1,710 grams and females, 1,360 grams. The egg-laying generally starts in April and ends in October with a yield of 90 to 120 eggs, each weighing about 32 grams. In artificial breeding, artificial incubation or incubation by domesticated hens is generally used. The Liuhua pheasant has the good meat quality of the wild pheasant, with tight meat, a delicious taste, rich in unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements, low in fat, and low in cholesterol. Its adapts easily to artificial breeding with a high survival rate, across the country.

In 2013, Tian’e county raised up to 1.31 million Liuhua pheasants, with 900,000 young and adult pheasant and 600,000 pheasant eggs, worth 31.32 million yuan. The county was honored with the “home of pheasants” title by the China Association of Economic Forests, in 2008, and was recognized by the National Commission of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources, in 2009, and got geographical agricultural product certification from the Agriculture Ministry, in June 2010.

Major manufacturers:

Guangxi Tian’e Huang’s Ecological Planting and Breeding Co

Address: 195 Yunlin Rd, Tian’e county

Contact: Huang Guangyao

Tel: 133-1768-1168

Postcode: 547300

Tian’e Pheasant Industry Specialized Cooperative

Address: 60 Chengdong Rd, Tian’e county

Contact: Wu Guoying

Tel: 135-1758-1551

Postcode: 547300

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