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Shatian pomelo

Updated: 2014-09-05

This pomelo has been cultivated since the 1920s or 1930s by local farmers and is one of the county’s most famous traditional fruits. In recent years, with local Party and government support, the country has introduced seeds form a Shatian pomelo fine breeds” base, in Gongcheng county and developed the Yunbang, Liumei, Longlin and Liubai farms, and the industry now has good momentum. Its Shatian pomelo is large in size, with a crisp taste tender fruit that is fresh and sweet to the taste, and rich in nutrition, making Tian’e county a famous pomelo base. Every 100 grams of the Tian’e Shatian pomelo contains 0.9g of protein, 0.2g of fat, 11.8g of carbohydrates, 0.5g of crude fiber, 19mg of calcium, 27mg of phosphorus and 123mg of vitamin C, or 2 - 4 times the amount of an orange the same size. The Shatian pomelo is considered a nutritional health product and is popular with customers for its effect on the stomach, clearing away heat, detoxicating, reducing phlegm and relieving coughing.

Major manufacturer:

Tian'e Pollution-free Fruit Specialized Cooperative

Address: Yunbang village, Tian’e country

Person in charge: Yang Tongbiao

Contact: Yang Tongbiao

Tel: 139-7789-5601

Postcode: 547300

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