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Early-maturing nectarine

Updated: 2014-09-05

Early maturing nectarines were introduced from Zhengzhou in 2001 and are now an industry in Tian’e county, with a productive, natural fruiting rate. The plant buds at the end of the February, blossoms in mid-March, produces leaves at the beginning of April, and matures from the end of April to early May. The fruit is short-oval or almost round, and weighs 150 - 320 grams, is rose-red in color with a pulp that is white, firm, dense, and sweet in taste, and adhering to the seed. The fruit has a short development period, high yields, long preservation term, and easy to transport. Its advantages are early maturing, smooth surface, convenient picking and eating, and lovely appearance, The Tian’e nectarine is welcomed by both growers and consumers.

Major manufacturers:

Tian'e Bala Yao Town Yimin Fruit and Vegetable Specialized Cooperative

Address: Shangzhaitun, Bala village, Tian’e country

Person in charge: Mingsong Wang

Contact: Wang Mingsong

Tel: 139-7780-5293

Postcode: 547302

Tian'e Weiguan Sante Fruit Cooperative

Address: Dangyangtun, Luoyi village, Tian’e country

Person in charge: Tan Meiwen

Contact: Tan Meiwen

Tel.: 139-7787-3385

Postcode: 547308


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