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Upscale architectural coating

Updated: 2014-09-03

Architectural coatings are popular abroad, with large sales in the US and Japan. China’s architectural coating business has seen rapid development since the 1980s, but generally just copies products from abroad and its technical process is at a low level. So, it badly needs an industry structural change immediately for a large, more modern system, to narrow the gap between China and developed countries. This project calls for an annually production of 50,000 tons of emulsions, 15,000 tons of waterborne polyurethane coatings, 15,000 tons of waterborne fluorine coatings, and 15,000 tons of high-grade acrylic coatings, resulting in an annual output capacity of 80,000 tons of emulsions and 100,000 tons of coatings, based on market demand.

It has an estimated cost of 250 million yuan, with 100 million for the first phase and 150 million for the second and is expected to generate about 300 million yuan in sales and 120 million yuan in taxes, and have a payback period of three years.

Site: Duan Lingang Industrial Zone

Unit: Duan Industry and Informatization Bureau

Contact: Huang Jiahui

Tel: 13977840488

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