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Longtan Pearl Plum

Updated: 2014-09-03

The Longtan Pearl Plum, from the wild plums of Tian’e county, grows best at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level and is a very late-ripening (early - mid August) fruit with good yields, good separation of fruit and seed, good shipping quality, a fruity taste, and superb quality. It is round or oblate in shape, of moderate size, weighing about 21 grams, and a deep ruby-purple color, while the fruit light yellow to orange, sweet and sour in taste, and crunchy.

It contains 4.17mg/100g of vitamin C, 9.3g/100g of sugar, and 0.73g/100ml of acid and is called the King of Plums. It is a special Guangxi brand with unique quality and a superb taste and got the Guangxi excellent fruit designation and Pollution-free Product certification from the Agriculture Dept, in 2008, and the Guangxi fine species designation, in 2009, a specific geographic product from the Agriculture Dept, in 2010, Top 100 National Consumer Favorite Brand award, in 2011, Most Influential Chinese Agricultural Product Brand, in 2012, and Guangxi High-quality Agricultural Product designation, in 2013.

The 1st Longtan Pearl Plum Festival was held in 2013. The Longtan pearl plum tree begins producing fruit after 3 years of growth and has its best production after 4 years, with more than 40 kilos of yield per tree and nearly 30,000 kilos per hectare, making it a pillar industry and good source of income. The Longtan pearl plum is only grown in Tian’e county on a limited amount of land.

Major manufacturers:

Tian’e Pollution-free Fruit Specialized Cooperative

Address: Nasuotun, Yunbang Village, Liupai, Tian’e county

Person in charge: Yang Tongbiao (Director)

Contact:Yang Tongbiao

Tel: 139-7789-5601

Postcode: 547300

Tian’e Bala Yao Town Yimin Fruit and Vegetable Specialized Cooperative

Address: Shangzhaitun, Bala village, Tian’e county

Person in charge: Wang Mingsong

Contact: Wang Mingsong

Tel: 139-7780-5293

Postcode: 547302

Tian’e Weiguan Sante Fruit Cooperative

Address: Dangyangtun, Luoyi village, Tian’e county

Person in charge: Tan Meiwen

Contact: Tan Meiwen

Tel: 139-7787-3385

Postcode: 547308

Tian’e Longliku Immigrant Fruit Cooperative

Address: Longlitun, Nali village, Tian’e county

Person in charge: Liang Dailian

Contact: Liang Dailian

Tel: 137-6808-3722

Postcode: 547304

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