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200,000-ton light calcium carbonate

Updated: 2014-08-28

The project uses leading domestic production equipment, a fully enclosed process, and artificial intelligent operations for zero emissions and pollution for products that can be used in the medical, nanotechnology and food sectors and to change the energy intensive, polluting nature of the calcium carbonate industry. The production line technology has improved smog and ventilation systems to remove dust and sulfur and recycles the CO2. The industrial wastewater is circulated and utilized through precipitation, while the domestic wastewater is used for plants in a harmless way.

The project has a designed capacity of 200,000 tons of light calcium carbonates, including ultrafine calcium carbonate for special purposes, active calcium carbonate, and calcium carbonate for foods, medicine and nanotechnology, and is expected to cost 200 million yuan, with 120 million yuan for the first phase and 80 million for the second. It is expected to generate 160 million yuan in annual sales and pay 65 million yuan in taxes, with a payback period of three and a half years.

Site: Du’an Lingang Industrial Area

Unit: Du’an Industry and Informatization Bureau

Huang Jiahui: 139-7784-0488

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