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Cultural source at Renshou Resort

Updated: 2014-08-25

This is in Bama county, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and is a tourist attraction based on the life of Deng Chengcai and his remarkable longevity. It has a wooden plaque with four Chinese characters, “Wei Ren Zhe Shou” (“Only those who are kind enjoy a long life”). Tourists can enjoy some good food and entertain themselves and shop as much as they want. The village of Ganyan has been considered a sacred place for a long time because of the white, cloud-like mists coming out of local caves all year round. The name in the local dialect means “mists coming out of the caves” and it is considered a paradise on earth. It used to be home to Deng Chengcai, who was considered immortal because he was so old and still so healthy. He was so outstanding and so decent that, in 1898, the Guangxu emperor told the military commander of Guangxi to Give Deng a board with the four Chinese characters inscribed.

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