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Courtyard economy powers ahead with development of village in Huaxi

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-11-28

In recent years, Zhenshan village in Huaxi district has made significant achievements in developing the courtyard economy and seen strong results.


A renovated courtyard in Zhenshan village. [Photo/Guiyang news network]

Established during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the village is surrounded on three sides by water and bordered by mountains on the fourth. Villagers utilize local materials, constructing houses, walls, and roads with stone slabs. In 2020, the village was included in the sixth national list of civilized villages and towns.

In recent years, leveraging its picturesque surroundings, rich historical and cultural heritage, and diverse folk traditions alongside the challenges of limited arable land and numerous unused houses, the village has utilized idle rural houses and courtyards to create distinctive rural-style courtyards.

As of now, four households in the village have participated in the "gathering around the stove for tea" initiative, six houses have seen their conditions improved, and eight new or upgraded homestays have been established.

Professor Gu, a visiting professor at the School of Fine Arts of Guizhou Normal University, serves as the artistic consultant appointed by Zhenshan village, Shiban town. He said that empowering courtyard economies with art can not only boost villagers' incomes but also significantly enrich their spiritual and cultural life.

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