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Huaxi makes strong progress in urban renovation

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-11-21


A new agricultural market is welcomed by residents of Huaxi district. [Photo/Tianyan news network]

Since the commencement of urban renovation work in Huaxi district, Guiyang, the district has built seven 15-minute living circles and completed 117 public infrastructure projects for locals. The development of new living circles started in this year and involved 13 projects, 12 of which have been completed.

What's more, Huaxi has completed its renovation plans, including introducing nine new agricultural markets, adding 6,143 new parking spaces in 15 new parking lots and reconstructing nine shantytowns and 78 back alleys.

Of the 20 old residential communities being renovated, 15 have been completed.

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