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Roadside concert features sports medalists

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2023-10-23


Four award-winning athletes from Huaxi district sing a song at the concert. [Photo/huaxi.gov.cn] 


A band performs at the roadside concert. [Photo/huaxi.gov.cn]


Audience members cheer for the music show. [Photo/huaxi.gov.cn]

A roadside concert took place on Shizi Street in Huaxi district on the evening of Oct 21. Athletes from Huaxi, who earned medals at the just-concluded 7th Guizhou Provincial Para Games, joined the audience and singers.

A total of four athletes, Tang Maocheng, Wang Xiaofang, Li Weihao, and Li Yumin, who clinched four gold and five silver medals, graced the stage. They shared a heartwarming moment with the audience, performing the song 'Invisible Wings' together.

"Though I have lost my sight, I can still hear. I can feel the dedication of the performers on the stage, the joyful ambiance they create, and the harmonious atmosphere among the audience. That's why I love this roadside concert," said Wang Xiaofang, the champion of the women's singles and mixed team table tennis at the Games.

That night, some university bands and top campus singers took turns performing, delivering a spectacular audiovisual feast.

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