
ANSO-BIDI School holds online forum

gsf.org.cn/Upadated: Dec 20, 2022

The ANSO-BIDI SCHOOL held an online forum, a special-feature activity of the Greater Bay Area Science Forum on Dec 12, in a move to promote scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation among countries under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (B&R).

Nearly 120 representatives from 10 B&R countries attended the online event. Well-known experts and scholars from Canada, Brazil, Turkey, Mongolia, Argentina, Italy, Pakistan and Armenia shared their views and insights on such topics as carbon-sink projects, scientific and technological innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainable development. 

The ANSO-BIDI SCHOOL has been jointly initiated by the Alliance of International Science Organizations’ International Innovation and Development Institute Network (ANSO BIDI), the Science Center of Guangdong Lingshan Forum, the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Center for Environmental Economics at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, with support from ANSO and the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government.

The school has conducted 45 lecture projects on international issues since its official launch in May, 2021. More than 30 internationally renowned professors from over 10 countries have given lectures to about 550 students selected by ANSO BIDI member organizations from countries along the Belt and Road.


Group photo of some members attending the online forum. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Wu Desheng, dean of the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and director of the Center for Environmental Economics at UCAS, and an academician of the European Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, presided over the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]图片4.png

Xie Yong, head of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office at UCAS, spoke at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Luiz Davidovich, an optical theorist, president of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, attended the meeting and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, executive director and ambassador of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South Pakistan(COMSATS),  made a speech at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Luis Seco, president of the International Carbon Neutralization Cross Research Association of Canada, and professor of the University of Toronto spoke at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Opher Baron, professor from Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, and academic director of the Master Program of Management Analysis, spoke at the opening ceremony.


Franco M. Cabrerizo, chair of the TWAS Young Affiliates Network, spoke at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Dhruba Kumar Gautam,member of Planning Council of Tribhuvan University of Nepal, spoke at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]


Yang Jun, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]

Yang affirmed the importance of the 2022 Greater Bay Area Science Forum in promoting the construction of an international science and technology innovation center in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and in strengthening exchanges and cooperation in science and technology innovation among global partners. 

Yang hoped that through the forum, scientists and international organizations in the world could further deepen cooperation with ANSO and the ANSO-BIDI SCHOOL. He also hoped that scholars and students from all over the world can develop friendship with the Greater Bay Area through the ANSO-BIDI SCHOOL platform, seeking and cement new pathways for common and sustainable development. 


Nie Xiaowei, assistant executive director of the ANSO Secretariat and executive secretary general of the Greater-Bay Area Science Forum, attended the meeting and made a report at the opening ceremony. [Photo/gsf.org.cn]

In his speech, Nie said that ANSO has played an important role in promoting a scientific community with a shared future for mankind. Comparing to the GSF 2021, GSF 2022 has made gratifying progress in organizational structure construction, international academic exchanges, and industrial docking of science and technology. 

Nie noted that the Greater Bay Area Science Forum 2022, themed "Exploring the Future, Sharing Scientific Achievement", will boost development of the International Science and Technology Innovation Center in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. GSF will continue to work together with ANSO in the future to enhance international science and technology exchanges and sustainable development.


During the forum, the Center for Environmental Economics and the Carbon Neutralization Cross Research Joint Laboratory at UCAS released a research report on the latest carbon sink development and changes in 147 B&R countries. The report aims to build an international carbon neutrality index. It also proposed to build an innovative cooperation mechanism to meet the respective needs of the participating countries.

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