
Li Guojie

gsf.org.cn/Upadated: Nov 27, 2022

Li Guojie was born in Shaoyang, Hunan province on May 29, 1943. He is a computer expert, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, a fellow of the World Academy of Sciences, a researcher and doctoral Supervisor of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and dean of the School of Computer and Control of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

After graduating from Peking University in 1968, Li worked on the Guizhou Military Reclamation Farm and later in the Guizhou Transistor Factory. In 1973, he was transferred to Shaoyang Computer Factory in Hunan province. In 1978, he was admitted to the University of Science and Technology of China as a postgraduate student. After receiving his master's degree in engineering in 1981, he went to Purdue University for his doctorate. In 1985, he finished his doctoral studies and worked in the CSL laboratory of Illinois University. In 1987, he returned to China and joined the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 1990, he was appointed director of the National Intelligent Computer Research and Development Center, now known as the High-Performance Computer Research Center. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1992. In 1995, he was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and founded Shuguang Information Industry Co., Ltd., where he served as the chairman of the board. In 1994, He won the first Science and Technology Progress Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation. In 1999, he was named director of the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and in 2000 he was awarded the title of National Outstanding Worker. He was elected as a fellow of the World Academy of Sciences in 2001. In 2004, he became the director of the Department of Computer Science and Technology of the University of Science and Technology of China. In the same year, he became president of the China Computer Federation.

In 2012, he was appointed dean of the School of Computer and Control at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Li is mainly engaged in researching computer architectures, parallel algorithms, artificial intelligence, computer networks, and information technology development strategies, to name a few of his areas of interest.

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