Supporting facilities


Aerial view of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone (Beijing part)

The Daxing part of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone is aiming to grow into an area enveloped by lush forests, built on its ecological foundation. This vision is materializing through the development of expansive ecological spaces, resulting in a predominantly verdant ecological landscape that seamlessly blends forests and water. 

By harnessing the potential of the Yongding River and three other ecological corridors in the northern part of the airport economic zone, coupled with extensive ecological landscapes between the eastern and western areas, a robust ecological structure is taking shape. This framework is achieved through the interconnectedness of river systems, road corridors and urban greenways.

Additionally, the organic linkage of linear spaces such as green transportation corridors and rivers is facilitating the creation of a multitiered green space, which will interconnect central parks, community parks and pocket parks.

Copyright © Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.