Beijing Cell Therapy Group


Beijing Cell Therapy Group was registered and established in the Daxing part of the Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone in 2020. It is one of the first leading companies in the field of life and health to settle in the zone.

The group focuses on cell rejuvenation and immune transformation, aiming to prevent and treat tumors and age-related diseases, and improve human health, rejuvenation and longevity.

Beijing Cell Therapy Group will gradually complete its overall layout, with plans to construct the International Cell and Gene Technology Port in stages, with an expected total investment of over 3 billion yuan. The plans include clinical research and transformation centers, international cell research and production centers, international nucleic acid technology centers, and international cell and gene sample library centers, with the hope of creating a cell and gene therapy industry cluster with global influence within 5 to 10 years.

Copyright © Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.