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New Engine for National Development

Beijing Daxing International Airport is a significant project in the capital city that has garnered special attention and a personal endorsement from General Secretary Xi Jinping. During his inspection of the airport's construction, Xi emphasized that the airport is a landmark project for the capital and a new engine for national development.

The airport was opened on September 25, 2019, as Beijing's second aviation hub.

In the same month, the Overall Plan for the Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone (2019-2035) was approved.

Since early 2023, the airport has received several prestigious awards, including “Best Airport in the Asia-Pacific Region”, “Most Pleasant Airport in the Asia-Pacific Region”, “Most Dedicated Staff in the Asia-Pacific Region’s Airports”, and “Cleanest Airport in the Asia-Pacific Region” by the Airports Council International (ACI). It is the only airport in China to have received all the four awards abovementioned.

Additionally, it was honored with the “Excellent Service Quality Award” for airports handling over 10 million passengers by the China Civil Airports Association in 2022.

As the world's largest international consumption hub, and the only airport in Beijing with both cargo and passenger runways, it has expansion plans that include a construction area of 68 square kilometers, an annual passenger volume of over 100 million, and an annual cargo volume of 4 million tons, positioning it as a catalyst for international exchange, reform, opening-up, and economic development in Daxing.

The Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone is the only region in the country to enjoy the benefits of the free trade zone and comprehensive bonded zone policies spanning the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Leveraging the development opportunities and advantages of the airport, the zone will act as a pivot connecting domestic and international markets, maximizing policy benefits and facilitating the integrated development of the airport economic zone, free trade zone, and comprehensive bonded zone.

The airport has also attracted international resources, making Daxing district the best strategic location for global companies to achieve international development.

Relying on the cooperation channels and service networks established by the zone for linking global technology transfer centers, it is conducive to introducing international research and development innovation centers, and to supporting the arrival of international technology transfer services and innovation outcomes.

Since 2023, the zone has attracted more than 40 new foreign-funded enterprises, bringing the total to 84. Focusing on the opening of international routes, with a strong emphasis on European and ASEAN international routes, it has been vigorously expanding cross-border trade, and building aviation logistics and biopharmaceutical supply chains.

International business associations and representatives of international companies are invited to visit the zone, and an international investment promotion platform has been established.

The international innovation center in the zone has already been put into operation, serving international innovative enterprises, and many foreign-funded enterprises have already settled in.

Copyright © Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © Beijing Daxing International Airport Economic Zone. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.