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Tradition and Innovation


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The "Tradition and Innovation" exhibition marks 20th anniversary of the Institute of Literature and Art, Chinese National Academy of Arts, and Academic Symposium.

The year 2023 marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Institute of Literature and Art at the Chinese National Academy of Arts. In commemoration of this achievement, the academy presents the "Tradition and Innovation" Exhibition of Artistic Works. This exhibition, coupled with an academic symposium, aims to comprehensively showcase remarkable development and creative achievements over the past two decades.

Since its inception in 2003, the institute has been a magnet for creative talents across various domains of literature and art. Guided by the Party's principles, policies and cultural directives, it has focused on contemporary themes, rooted itself in its professional ethos, explored the intricacies of life, and crafted literary and artistic works that exemplify the richness of traditional Chinese cultures. These contributions have significantly propelled the development of the Chinese National Academy of Art and unveiled the broader landscape of the Chinese art.

The exhibition, themed "Tradition and Innovation," pays homage to the academy's motto of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, pushing forward the new" and serves as both a reflection on the past and a beacon of hope for the future development of the institution. The theme encapsulates a deep reverence for tradition while infusing it with vitality and contemporary relevance, symbolizing a harmonious blend of heritage and progress.

Central to the exhibition is the presentation of the remarkable creative and research achievements of the institute's artists over the past two decades. Within the five categories of literature and drama, fine arts, calligraphy and photography, ceramics and lacquer art, stage performance, and design, more than 200 works by 67 artists are showcased.

These works not only draw inspiration from one another, but also thrive on a mutual exchange of ideas. Embracing tradition as their foundation, the artists have explored and expanded upon innovative creative and research endeavors, offering a rich and captivating artistic feast.

Literature and art stand as beacons of progress, representing the distinctive features of an era and steering the trends of the time. The artists of the Institute of Literature and Art at the Chinese National Academy of Arts, fueled by unwavering dedication, exemplify a continuous pursuit of innovation while remaining grounded in traditional art forms. On the path of tradition and innovation, they anticipate the future, ascending the peaks of artistic achievement. The exhibition is not merely a celebration of the past two decades, but a declaration of the institute's commitment to shaping the artistic landscape for generations to come.



Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved.
Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.