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Shanxi Opera Shows Held in Beijing


The China National Arts and Crafts Museum (CTCM) recently held the "Encounter with Intangible Cultural Heritage" series of social education activities, including two events titled "Elegant Shanxi Opera" and "Opera Grown from Taihang Mountains". These activities provided audiences in Beijing with a one-stop opportunity to appreciate the display of four intangible cultural heritage projects by their inheritors.


Two performers perform Zuoquan-style Xiaohua Opera.


Two performers perform Xiaoyi-style Bowl Tune.

On November 11th, 2023, the China National Arts and Crafts Museum, also known as the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, hosted "Encounter with Intangible Cultural Heritage: Elegant Shanxi Opera - Special Performance from the Jinzhong Cultural Eco-preservation Zone" in conjunction with the exhibition "I Come from Jinzhong - A Thematic Exhibition of Jinzhong Cultural Eco-preservation Zone in the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum". On that day, attendees had the opportunity to enjoy three State-level intangible cultural heritage projects: Qitai-style Yangge Dance (a type of Chinese folk dance), Zuoquan-style Xiaohua Opera, and Xiaoyi-style Bowl Tune.


Cui Ejuan (C), a provincial-level inheritor of Shangdang Bangzi, delivers an exceptional performance alongside other performers.


Li Xuebin, an provincial-level inheritor of Shangdang Bangzi, performs.

On November 12th, 2023, the China National Arts and Crafts Museum presented "Encounter with Intangible Cultural Heritage: Opera Grown from Taihang Mountains - A Showcase of Shanxi's Shangdang Bangzi Intangible Cultural Heritage", which mainly showcased Shangdang Bangzi, a school of Chinese opera and State-level intangible cultural heritage in Shanxi. The show allowed visitors to enjoy a performance by State-level and municipal-level inheritors of Shangdang Bangzi from the Shangdang Bangzi Troupe in Changzhi.

The two events were moderated by Gong Yujie, a young cultural scholar from Shanxi. He gave a brief introduction about the origin and development of the four State-level intangible cultural heritage projects, and guided the audience on a journey to experience the unique charm and optimistic attitudes conveyed through the inheritors' wonderful performances.

The shows received wide acclaim, with many people taking photos with performers and expressing great interest in intangible cultural heritage from Shanxi. They added that they were looking forward to visiting the northern province to further appreciate local operas.

Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved.
Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.