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Art from The Silk Road: Replicating Mural Paintings from Regions along the Silk Road



The exhibition titled Art from The Silk Road: Replicating Mural Paintings from Regions along the Silk Road stands as the largest and most extensive display of mural-tracing and research in China, showcasing unparalleled collaboration among artists and cultural preservationists. 

The exhibition holds considerable significance in informing the inheritance of mural painting techniques and artistic traditions. Furthermore, it represents a contemporary endeavor to resonate with the Belt and Road Initiative, fostering cultural dialogue and nurturing a shared global community. In doing so, it catalyzes further advancements in human civilization, embodying the spirit of cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding.

Dunhuang, serving as a vital gateway for China to the western regions, stands witness to the convergence and amalgamation of ancient Chinese civilization with ideas, religions, arts and cultures from diverse lands such as ancient India, ancient Greece and ancient Persia. Its inclusive nature and openness fostered the continuous absorption and assimilation of outstanding achievements from foreign civilizations, giving rise to the distinctive Dunhuang culture and Silk Road spirit.


The ancient Silk Road epitomizes the world's largest linear cultural heritage, representing a golden thread in the tapestry of human civilization. Stretching across regions renowned for hosting the earliest, most expansive, enduring and comprehensive Buddhist cave temples and mural remnants in history, it symbolizes the profound historical journey of Buddhist culture and art's dissemination, embodying the essence of ancient cultural exchanges between the East and West.

The murals along the Silk Road, characterized by their unique cave structures, cultural narratives and artistic styles, showcase the rich historical tapestry of human interaction and exchange. As invaluable cultural relics and tangible evidence of the Silk Road's significance, they offer reliable verification and augmentation to pertinent historical records.

Moreover, the Silk Road embodies a cultural and artistic pathway, with its cave murals representing a pivotal facet of traditional artistry. The preservation, replication and innovation of these murals encompass a systematic effort that spans mediums, pigments, painting techniques, content and artistic styles.

Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved.
Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.