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Protein & Cell’s impact factor yields significant breakthrough

Updated: 2023-07-07

Protein & Cell, a comprehensive international academic journal co-hosted by the Biophysical Society of China (BSC), achieved an impact factor of 21.1 in 2022, according to the Journal Citation Reports published by global analytics firm Clarivate on June 28.

The journal achieved a milestone with its impact factor surpassing 20 for the first time, marking an impressive growth of nearly 30 percent compared to the previous year's 15.33.

Protein & Cell ranks 11th among the 191 global cell biology journals indexed in the SCI database. Additionally, it recorded a CiteScore index of 19.2 in 2022, ranking fifth among 156 medical journals and 15th among 428 journals in multiple related disciplines including biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology, according to statistics released by Scopus.


A screenshot of Protein & Cell’s 2022 annual impact factor. [Photo/WeChat account: BSC]

Protein & Cell mainly addresses the latest research achievements and development trends in life science and biomedicine, covering a wide range of topics, such as molecules, cells, modal organisms, biotechnology, and basic and clinical medicine and a wide range of research subjects including microorganisms, plants, animals, and the human body. It is an internationally renowned comprehensive academic journal with diverse sections, publishing research papers, reviews, news commentaries, and profiles.

The journal has always been committed to providing a green channel for Chinese scholars to present their research findings. It promptly and impartially publishes controversial scientific research outcomes of Chinese scientists, aiming to enhance the international influence of Chinese scholars. This has been the guiding principle and distinct feature of the journal throughout its development. 

Recollection, the journal’s featured column that introduces Chinese biologists’ outstanding achievements and important events in life sciences over the past century, has served as a significant channel to showcase the development path of the discipline.

In January, Protein & Cell embarked on a new collaboration with Oxford University Press, expanding its overseas distribution and enhancing its global influence. Standing at a new starting point, the journal will provide a broader platform for global Chinese scholars to demonstrate their academic influence. It will continue to uphold its editorial principles, serve the scientific research community, and strive to become a globally recognized life science journal brand known for its high academic standards, readability, and distinct characteristics.

Protein & Cell is an English-language academic journal jointly founded by the BSC, Higher Education Press and the Beijing Institutes of Life Science at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since its establishment in January 2010, the journal has been published monthly in both print and online formats, with full open access.