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Fifth Chinese workshop for structural biologists
Updated: 2019-09-03
Structural biology has become one of the most important tools to understand the fundamental principles of life. Besides the commonly established X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy approaches, three-dimensional reconstruction via cryo-electron microscopy (3DEM) is another approach to study the 3D structures of macromolecules, which has multiple advantages in investigating the structures of large macromolecular complexes.
The workshop focuses on 3DEM single particle analysis (SPA) technology and teaches participants from theory to practice. It will be held in Beijing, China from Nov 23 - 28, 2019 and there will be lectures followed by group discussions (over two full days) and practice sessions (two full days). Both the Institute of Biophysics, CAS and Tsinghua University will share their EM facilities for this workshop. Due to the limited resources, the maximum number of participants will be restricted to 80. All participants can join both the lecture and practice sessions.
The major topic of this workshop will be relevant to the following items:
1. Basic concepts of electron microscopy
2. Workflows and specifics in cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM)
3. Specimen preparation: Negative staining and cryo plunge freezing
4. Operation of the electron microscope and image acquisition methods
5. Basic principles of image analysis and 3D reconstruction in single particle analysis
6. Usage of RELION for image processing
For more details, please check: http://cbi.ibp.ac.cn/workshop/workshop2019/GACryoEM2019/index.html