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Italian songs performed at packed Shanxi University concert

Updated: 2019-10-30

The 2019 Italian Vocal Concert, featuring rousing performances by Italian professor Massimo Guidetti and teachers Zheng Bin and Yang Lei, was staged in the music hall of Shanxi University on Oct 26.

The concert was the first of its kind staged by professor Massimo at Shanxi University and was attended by more than 400 teachers and students.

Teacher Yang Lei sings at the 2019 Italian Vocal Concert in the music hall of Shanxi University on Oct 26. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Teacher Zheng Bin at Shanxi University sings, accompanied on piano by Massimo Guidetti on Oct 26. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

The 2019 Italian Vocal Concert at Shanxi University is attended by more than 400 teachers and students. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]