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Officials visit to construction site of Dongshan campus

Updated: 2019-10-21

A delegation led by Ma Jun (third from right), deputy director of Shanxi Provincial Education Department, paid a visit to the site of the new Dongshan campus at Shanxi University on Oct 12 to see the progress being made in its construction. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Officials from Shanxi Provincial Education Department and Shanxi University pay a visit to the new Dongshan campus being built at Shanxi University. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Officials from Shanxi Provincial Education Department and Shanxi University examine the ongoing construction of the Dongshan campus on Oct 12. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Officials from Shanxi Provincial Education Department and Shanxi University at the under-construction Dongshan campus of Shanxi University on Oct 12. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]