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University of Missouri delegation visits SXU

Updated: 2019-09-12

A delegation led by Mary Stegmaier, associate dean of the University of Missouri, paid a visit to Shanxi University (SXU) on Sept 10.

Officials from the International Cooperation and Exchanges Department, Graduate School, Academic Affairs Office, and Principal's Office of SXU met with the delegation to discuss cooperation on undergraduate and postgraduate projects as well as doctoral students going to America to engage in academic research and receive thesis guidance.

The delegation also visited SXU’s library, Academy of Music, and School History Museum and watched some song and dance performances.

Mary Stegmaier, associate dean of the University of Missouri, poses for a photo with a Shanxi University official on Sept 10. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

A delegation led by Mary Stegmaier, associate dean of the University of Missouri, poses for a photo with Shanxi University students on Sept 10. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]