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Youth tech forum held at Shanxi University

Updated: 2019-07-16

The 2nd Shanxi University Youth Technology Forum was held at Shanxi University on July 8.

More than 170 deans of science and engineering schools, as well as researchers, teachers and students, attended the forum and discussed the development of young scientists, researchers, and technicians.

At the forum, Li Fuming, deputy Party secretary of Shanxi University, and Zhang Tiancai, vice-president of the university, presented souvenirs to Cao Yaofeng, academic of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Xiao Yaning, director of the Research Center for Coal Based Synthesis.

Several young teachers from the university were also awarded for their contributions.

A report on the scientific undertakings of Shanxi University and a related work plan for summer vacation was delivered by Cheng Fangqin, vice-president of the university. Researchers and other experts also gave lectures on their research achievements.

The 2nd Shanxi University Youth Technology Forum takes place at the university on July 8. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Cao Yaofeng, academic of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivers a lecture on geothermal industrial planning, July 8. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]