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Changzhou recruits graduates at SXU

Updated: 2018-11-30

A recruitment promotion presentation by a delegation from Xinbei district in Changzhou, Jiangsu province is held at Shanxi University on Nov 27. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

A delegation from the Xinbei district in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, came to Shanxi University on Nov 27 to recruit graduates.

Liu Wei, director of human resources development center in the district, gave a speech on industries in the district, innovation platforms, policies for skills development and living services available in Changzhou at the recruitment presentation.

A job fair offering some 740 vacancies in eight industries like new materials, vehicle and auto parts, photovoltaic, machinery, aviation and semiconductor devices was held after the presentation with around 100 graduates submitting resumes.

The delegation also visited the research institutes and science parks at the university and met with the Science and Technology Division to further partnerships in the application of scientific achievements.